2023 Australian National Championships (Open, 18m, Sport)

note - the below 'Update Everything from SoaringSpot' button will delete all entrants without a tracker ID set and recreate them. This will clear any entrants that have been removed from the contest. A manually deleted entrant will be recreated if they still exist in SoaringSpot
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Todays Tasks

No Tasks set
DateClassTask NameTask TypeGate Open Time 

Entrants & Trackers

 EntrantClassGlider DetailsCountry CodeSkymate ID 
David PietschopenZZ / GZZ / JS1 TJ 18m / 1.105
Geoff BrownopenKG / UKG / JS1 18m / 1.105
Adam WoolleyopenG1 / WPP / Ventus 3T 15m / 1.06
Craig VinallopenVNL / VNL / AS 33 Es 18m / 1.115
Pete TempleopenPT / JPT / ASG 29 18m / 1.105
Bruce TayloropenQR / GQR / ASG 29 E 18m / 1.105
Matthew ScutteropenLL / NWP / SZD-56-2 Diana 2 FES / 1.045
Arnold NiewandopenWP / VWP / ASG 29 E 18m / 1.105
Ed Marelopen31 / DOH / ASH 31 Mi 18m / 1.09
Matthew AtkinsonopenV8 / ZKT / Ventus 2cx 18m / 1.095
Lumpy PatersonopenVW / XVW / Quintus M / 1.145
Robert Smits15_meterGA / GGA / Cirrus / 1
Jenny Ganderton15_meterBM / BHM / LS 4 / 1.0442
Bernie Sizer15_meterVH / GVH / PIK-20 B / 1.0546
Sid Nankivell15_meterWUD / WUD / LS 3 / 1.078
David Collins15_meter20F / JRG / ASW 20 / 1.0838
Rodney van den Brink15_meterIKS / IKS / G 102 Astir CS / 0.9932