DDSC Easter Regatta 2023

note - the below 'Update Everything from SoaringSpot' button will delete all entrants without a tracker ID set and recreate them. This will clear any entrants that have been removed from the contest. A manually deleted entrant will be recreated if they still exist in SoaringSpot
Update Everything from SoaringSpot Pull Tasks Only Tracker Status Console

Todays Tasks

No Tasks set
DateClassTask NameTask TypeGate Open Time 

Entrants & Trackers

 EntrantClassGlider DetailsCountry CodeSkymate ID 
Matt SternbergclubGKP / GKP / PW 5 / 80
Daryl SpeightclubQM / XQM / Discus bT / 108
Charlie - Ricky Ryan - YoungclubKYT / KYT / astir CS Jeans / 69
Peter PlunkettclubGOW / GOW / Std. Cirrus / 80
Paul HoganclubGPU / GPU / ASW 20 / 86
Matthew DunstanclubXJF / XJF / Jantar Std 3 / 74
Andrew HurstclubCQV / CQV / Jantar 2 / 81
Jeremy ThompsonclubGGU / GGU / Std Libelle / 88
Kevin RodenclubIZT / IZT / Jantar 2 / 96
Pavel KalenovclubIKE / IKE / Astir CS 77 / 89
Sarah ThompsonclubBQ / GBQ / Libelle / 91
David SmithclubOT / XOT / Discus b / 75
Laurence SimpkinsclubGEF / GEF / Foka5 / 82
Natan'El SchusterclubWUZ / WUZ / DG 200 / 76
David Nashclub77 / XQW / Discus b / 108
Martin HurstclubMQN / MQN / PIK-20 E / 100
Brian GilbyclubZAI / ZAI / HpH 304C Wasp / 107
Tallis - Aidan Crocker-CorreaclubKJ / GKJ / Hornet / 70
John TuckeropenBW / ZBW / Ventus 2cM 18m / 112
Jennifer ThompsonopenJ7 / YJT / ASG 29 18m / 114
Simpkins & GriffinopenDV / GDV / Arcus T / 111
Leon MoranopenFQL / FQL / Nimbus 2c / 111
Peter de RyckopenXQR / XQR / LAK-12 / 114
Trevor BurkeopenXJK / XJX / DG 400 17m / 110
Geoff BrownopenKG / UKG / JS1 18m / 117
DDSC Duodouble_seaterRL / GRL / Duo Discus XL / 76
Kingaroy Duodouble_seaterDX / KDX / Duo Discus X / 76
WGQWarwick PW6double_seaterWGQ / WGQ / PW 6 / 59
DDSC DGdouble_seaterNL / GNL / DG 1001 18m FG / 75