Horsham Week 2023

note - the below 'Update Everything from SoaringSpot' button will delete all entrants without a tracker ID set and recreate them. This will clear any entrants that have been removed from the contest. A manually deleted entrant will be recreated if they still exist in SoaringSpot
Update Everything from SoaringSpot Pull Tasks Only Tracker Status Console

Todays Tasks

No Tasks set
DateClassTask NameTask TypeGate Open Time 

Entrants & Trackers

 EntrantClassGlider DetailsCountry CodeSkymate ID 
Paul DilksclubKYP / KYP / Astir CS 77 / 980
Leonie FurzeclubGZW / GZW / Discus b / 1065
Jack HartclubJH / XOR / ASW20B WL / 1085
Garry StevensonclubUKK / UKK / Discus b / 1065
Andrew LaverickclubCR / GCR / Std. Libelle / 980
Alf McMillanclubAJ / GOA / LS 4b / 1040
Adam HowellclubXC / GXC / Kestrel 17m / 1065
Steve JinksclubFQN / FQN / Mosquito / 1070
Rolf BuelterclubGWQ / GWQ / Janus 18.2m / 1055
Champness & RobertsonclubIKM / IKM / Twin Astir RG / 950
Mark SimpsonclubSIW / SIW / Silent 2 Targa / 980
Jaroslaw MosiejewskiclubWQF / WQF / PIK-20 B WL / 1055
David MeredithclubZT / GZT / Jantar Std 2 / 1010
Alan DeanclubER / GER / DG 505 20m WL / 1075
Wayne MackleyclubCQX / CQX / Jantar Std 2 / 1010
Terry CubleyclubSG / GSG / Mosquito / 1070
Craig VinallopenVNL / VNL / AS 33 Es 18m / 1115
Thorpe & VaggopenXQK / XQK / DG 500M 22m / 970
John OrtonopenDW / ZDW / ASG 29 18m / 1105
Arnold NiewandopenWP / VWP / ASG 29 E 18m / 1105
Ryan DriscollopenZBV / ZBV / Nimbus 3T 25.5m / 1080
Ulrich BuelteropenFQF / FQF / LS 8T 18m / 1040
Nazari & ImamopenHE / GHE / Duo Discus / 990
Gordon Trollip15_meterXJS / XJS / LS 6 / 1020
Russell Edwards15_meterTC / KTC / ASW 28 / 1010
Graham Adams15_meterRG / GRG / Ventus bT 15m 430kg / 995
Tim Shirley15_meter2M / LIJ / ASW 28 / 1010
David Nugent15_meterQX / GQI / LS 3 / 990
Craig Dilks15_meterUKX / UKX / PIK-20 B / 960
Neil Campbell15_meterNC / ZAE / ASW 24 WL / 990