
note - the below 'Update Everything from SoaringSpot' button will delete all entrants without a tracker ID set and recreate them. This will clear any entrants that have been removed from the contest. A manually deleted entrant will be recreated if they still exist in SoaringSpot
Update Everything from SoaringSpot Pull Tasks Only Tracker Status Console

Todays Tasks

No Tasks set
DateClassTask NameTask TypeGate Open Time 

Entrants & Trackers

 EntrantClassGlider DetailsCountry CodeSkymate ID 
Jack TonkinstandardCC / CLO / LS8 / 1010
David JansenstandardVSL / VSL / LS8 / 1010
Scott LennonstandardLSL / LSL / LS8 / 1010
Bruce TaylorstandardGG / XGG / LS8 / 1010
Allan BarnesstandardS7 / NSZ / LS8 / 1010
Matt GagestandardFV / GFV / DISCUSB / 990
Ross WhittlestandardFY / GFY / DISCUSB / 990
Greg BeecroftstandardHCB / HCB / LS8 / 1010
Miles Gore-BrownstandardWB / GWB / LS8 / 1010
Mike DurrantstandardFQF / FQF / LS8 / 1010
Mak Ichikawa15_meterPB / VPB / LS8 / 1010
Rolf Buelter15_meterYXM / YXM / LS6 / 1025
Mike Codling15_meterJT / ZJT / ASW27 / 1050
Tim Wilson15_meterFA / YFA / ASG29 / 1050
Tobi Geiger15_meterVG / GVG / VENTUS2 / 1050
Norm Bloch15_meterNB / XNB / JS3 / 1060
Matthew Scutter15_meterLL / NWP / DIANA2 / 1045
Adam Woolley15_meterG1 / WPP / VENTUS3-15m / 1060
Brad Edwards15_meter1B / XBE / JS3 / 1060
Ray Stewart15_meterS5 / WSS / JS3 / 1060
Terry CubleyclubSG / GSG / MOSQUITO / 1085
Peter Bruntonclub20 / KYF / ASW20 / 1090
Neil BennettclubQF / GQF / MOSQUITO / 1083
Jo DavisclubIIC / IIC / ASW20 / 1079
Tony CondonclubC2 / GYZ / CIRRUSSTD / 1001
Tom JamiesonclubYM / GYM / ASW20b / 1082
Steve JinksclubFQN / FQN / MOSQUITO / 1071
Ryan DriscollclubMG / XOL / ASW20C / 1080
Richard FrawleyclubCQO / CQO / LS4a / 1045
Paul DicksonclubUKC / UKC / LS3 / 1078
Michael StrathernclubFQM / FQM / Hornet / 1004
Mark DaltonclubMD / XJT / ASW20 / 1090
Jim Crowhurstclub41 / ZZU / ASW20 / 1086
James NugentclubGQI / GQI / LS3 / 1074
Jack HartclubJH / XOR / ASW20 / 1088
Garry StevensonclubUKK / UKK / DISCUSB / 1054
David PicklesclubAY / GAY / PIK20 / 1055
David Collinsclub20F / JRG / ASW20F / 1083
Daniel SummersclubQP / CQP / LS3a / 1063
Bernie SizerclubVH / GVH / PIK20B / 1055